Kiran -> LOCO
It all started in a small village called Srinivasnagar, where i spent my four wonderful years of my life pursuing my B.E degree. My name was entered as Kiran Kumar H N in the rolls of N.I.T.K and that was the last time anyone had known me by that name. It was the time when my friends circle in N.I.T.K was in the prenatal stage(also known as chappargandus). I had a friend by the name Kiran. In order to distinguish between the two there had to be some naming criteria. Since both of them were equally fat(or thin shud is say!!), size couldnt have been a good criterion. So what else? Just then someone had a brilliant idea of distinguishing by the place to which they belong. I was from Udupi, another small village near srinivasnagar and the 0ther guy from Bengalooru. Since i was nearer, i was the local to that place. So there came the names Loco Kiran and Bangy Kiran for both of us. Since the names were too big, it was decided to shorten the names. Loco Kiran became LOCO and Bangy Kiran became Kinly(please dont ask me how this came up). I have no regrets whatsoever for having become LOCO but i will still have one regret that life was not faithful to "Kiran"!! Thus Kiran was killed brutally without leaving a trace and Loco came into being. The name Loco has stayed on with me since then and it has made such an impact that i have almost stopped responding to the name Kiran. Even if somebody runs behind me calling "Kiran", i might wonder whom the other person is refering to. So Guys the next time you see me call LOCO and not Kiran.